How do you track the success of hyperlocal campaigns with Adcombi?

Tracking the success of an advertising campaign is crucial, not only for measuring the potential impact of your campaign, but also for long-term budgeting and planning new campaigns. That’s why Adcombi uses tracking KPIs to measure the success of campaigns, both in terms of traditional click-through rate and viewability, as well as in terms of cost-saving, engagement tracking, and – if you have the technology in place – in-store sales tracking.

Hyperlocal targeting isn’t about cost-efficiency

If you decide to target based on location, you have tradeoffs. Hyperlocal ads target specific locations, and often, you have to prioritize those locations. That often means paying more per click – with both an increase in costs and a decrease in click-through rate. Therefore, it’s not always a good idea to compare hyper local campaigns to national campaigns – unless the local advertising isn’t driving its own value.

Instead, Adcombi can help you to create a benchmark and compare costs by running a benchmark campaign for you. Normally, this means targeting the same area or zip codes, but without the hyperlocal content. You won’t be able to compare results with your national campaign, but you will be able to see what nationally branded ads do in that location versus locally branded ads – which can help you to determine efficacy and value.

Value comes from local exposure

Most hyperlocal marketing campaigns are built around the same values as paper ads and flyering. You increase top-of-funnel exposure in a local and targeted area, with information prospects need to go directly to a local outlet or store. That can drive direct foot traffic to a local store, therefore driving up local exposure and sales. And, while most businesses already know how paper ads and flyering effect sales – if you stop them, sales drop – that same data doesn’t exist for digital ads yet. That’s in part because “hyper local” ads are relatively new.

Adcombi helps you track this data in a few ways. The first is by simply ensuring that hyperlocal ads are targeted properly. Our polygon targeting uses a system of tiny radii points to cover a full zip code – rather than using a radius with a central point – which wastes as much as 30% of all clicks. In addition, we use our Geosafety feature to ensure that when someone sees a targeted ad, they’re actually in that location. We achieve this by dynamically pulling ads from the server. The GDPR means all IP addresses are hashed before the bid – you can only see the last four digits. But, once you win the bid, you can get a much more precise view of location. With Geosafety, if the bid has won an ad outside of the target location, that viewer gets an ad from that location or a fallback, generic ad depending on the location.

From there, you can measure classic metrics like exposure, viewability, time viewed, and engagement with the ad. These metrics allow you to see how many people, within your zip code area, viewed and engaged with your ad – which can be tracked in a comparable way with paper flyers and brochures.

Tracking direct impact on sales

In some cases, marketers want to use hyperlocal programs to directly impact sales and to push new products. In this case, we recommend using either footfall measurement, with in-store clickers, or money back programs to track the efficacy of the ads.

For example, one of our clients uses clickers to track the total number of people coming into its stores. When they start running hyperlocal ads, they track footfall at stores with hyperlocal ads associated to see if there’s a rise in traffic over the full course of the campaign.

In other cases, brands like Coca Cola use our hyperlocal ads to push sales of new products. Then, tools like refunds allow you to directly see who saw the ad. E.g., if you offer a promotion and allow customers to request a refund on the product via an app or landing page. Here, you buy the product, go online, scan the receipt, and you get a refund. This shows the direct impact of the ads while offering proof of concept for various types of campaigns.

Cost saving on campaign setup

Adcombi’s digital advertising offering is very similar to what you get with traditional paper flyering and brochures. You increase local exposure and therefore local sales. That’s difficult to track on an attribution basis. However, unlike with paper ads, you can directly track how many people viewed your ad, for how long, what they clicked on, and if they went through to an ad resource like a route planner or landing page. And, we have data showing that our local interactive ads result in longer viewability, directly increasing the value of the ad.

In addition, Adcombi’s unique technology means you can save time and money on setup. Our automation process allows you to quickly set up hundreds of local campaigns on the DSP – all with their own unique assets and resources. If you set up 50 campaigns, we estimate an average of 80% of time saved over setting up each campaign manually. If the campaign goal is to run those ads and have that exposure, that’s direct cost and time savings as a metric for your campaign.

Local ads are normally top-of-funnel and often are about exposure and brand awareness rather than direct sales. That can make direct attribution difficult. However, there are still plenty of ways to track the success of your hyperlocal campaigns, and we’re here to help you do so.

If you want to learn more, contact us to set up a call or to have a cup of coffee and discuss your campaign goals and needs.

Using Local Stock Levels to Trigger Digital Ads: Case Study with TicketSwap

Today’s retailers face more and more challenges reaching consumers with ads and promotions. In part, that’s caused by the decreasing relevance of physical advertising – flyers and brochures are rarely used, posters often go unnoticed, and billboard real-estate is increasingly expensive. Moving to digital advertising is one way for businesses to continue reaching their customers. Adcombi’s hyperlocal advertising technology, which automates creating line items on the DSP, allows you to do that at a local level – targeting customers by distance from your store. That already increases ad relevance and enables you to build local advertising impact for each location in your network.

At the same time, Adcombi’s technology allows you to build more ad relevance by displaying custom products and promotions per location via dynamic creatives. Those creatives are generated from a data feed which is based on pre-set triggers such as product availability, ongoing discounts, or even the weather. That allows you to build relevant ads campaigns around your locations with safety checks in place to ensure that products aren’t advertised after selling out, or when they’re not relevant.

How Advertising with Retail Triggers Works

When you build a campaign with Adcombi, our technology automatically creates a line item on the DSP per location you have. Each of those line items has its own polygon-targeted geographical radius, advertising location polygon, or geographical radius based on advertising area, which we use to ensure that ads are only visible to relevant customers. So, we use geotargeting to choose where to display ads. Now, we are also able to dynamically turn the campaign on or off for each location.

Here, we integrate a real-time data feed, either from your organization or from a third party. Then, we build logic to turn ads on and off when data from the feed hits certain thresholds. Finally, we set a synchronization schedule to update line items multiple times per day to ensure that ads stay up to date with data.

Those triggers work with nearly any industry and any location. For example:

  • Turn ads on when your agenda has available space
  • Turn off ads for promotions when stock gets too low
  • Turn off ads for specific models or features when stock gets too low
  • Remove items from ad rotation when stock gets too low
  • Display weather-relevant ads E.g., sunscreen when it’s sunny, no umbrellas when it’s sunny
  • Display ad when TV program has just aired

Once we implement the logic as part of your campaign, you can apply it to any kind of data to turn the ad on or off. And, because Adcombi is built as a DSP plugin, you can use it as part of your existing DSP.

Case Study with TicketSwap

TicketSwap is one of Europe’s largest ticket exchange marketplaces, allowing fans to buy and sell second-hand tickets to events such as live music shows, club nights, theater, comedy and more. Ticket resale platforms like TicketSwap offer fans the chance to find tickets to their favourite events – even those which are sold out – in a safe and secure environment. TicketSwap in particular caps the resale price on tickets to a maximum of +20% of the original price. In turn, this protects fans from ‘touts’ or ‘scalpers’, who typically buy a large volume of high-demand tickets and sell them for an inflated price. But, in order to use that service, consumers have to know and trust the ticket exchange. While ticket resale has been an established part of the ticketing industry in the Netherlands for at least a decade, it’s a newer concept to other markets in which TicketSwap is established, such as Germany. And, in other markets, such as France and the UK, there is room for greater education about how the app works, and the safety it offers its users against fraud and touts.

Because of this, TicketSwap asked Adcombi to build and deliver a trial campaign in Germany and France. Here, the goal of the program was to reduce the total amount of unsold tickets using ads. To achieve this, Adcombi leveraged our hyperlocal advertising technology, which pulls from a data feed to create line items in the DSP. TicketSwap sent us a list of 50 venues, half in France and half in Germany. That list included all upcoming events, showtimes, available tickets, etc., which was updated in real time.

The concept was that if we could advertise low-cost tickets to local consumers, they might decide to go to a nearby venue last minute. So, we built campaigns around each of the 50 venues, with a line item per venue. We also wanted to ensure relevance, so we chose to display ads within a 5-kilometer radius around each. Then, we built a check to assess which ads should be shown on a given day. That check first assessed which venues had upcoming events, on average, that would be 20-30 of them. We then prioritized ad display based on the first upcoming event. So, if venue A had an event on 4 days of the upcoming week, we’d only advertise the first one, until after that event.

Finally, we created a trigger to display ads for that event if TicketSwap’s available tickets exceeded 5. Otherwise, that event would be skipped and the next one advertised instead.

In addition, it was important that we create a failsafe to avoid advertising sold-out events. So, we integrated a check as part of the ad display process. After purchasing the ad, the software would check if tickets were available in TicketSwap. If the answer was no, Adcombi displayed a fallback ad, advertising TicketSwap as a platform, instead. And, when the automated check was performed the following day, ads for that event were automatically turned off if available tickets dropped below 5. This allowed us to ensure that TicketSwap’s budget was spent on creating demand for events with available tickets, while minimizing wasted ad spend.

“AdCombi’s hyperlocal solution allowed us to increase our sold rate for specific venues, driving positive results where it was most relevant ” — Rodrigo Kato Performance Marketing Manager — TicketSwap

Adcombi’s hyperlocal advertising technology combines with real-time data feeds and retail triggers to enable extremely relevant ads that trigger based on custom data and turn off when those conditions are no longer met. That enables you to reach specific audiences with relevant offers and then turn those ads off automatically. If you’d like to learn more about our advertising technology or you’d like to discuss your own campaign needs, contact us to set up a call.

Team Spotlight: Philip Bergman

In 2022, Adcombi introduced new products, brought on new customers, and helped serve millions of hyper-local ad impressions across Europe. But, we also onboarded new people, new ideas, and, in this case, a new intern. Our people make up who we are, and that’s true at every level of the organization.

Over his 6-month stay, our marketing and sales intern Philip Bergman contributed to sales, operations, product development, and marketing. His role allowed him to contribute to business development, automation within our sales process, and client outreach – giving him opportunities to learn, and Adcombi a fresh perspective.

Studying International Business

Philip Bergman is 21 years old, currently in his third year at the Hogeschool Rotterdam. His study in International Business with a specialization in Commerce focuses on learning business in an intercultural context, learning languages, and developing relevant professional and academic skills.

“I really like Europe, I really enjoy doing trade, and although English is the last language I’ve learnt, it’s become my first language. So, I wanted to study somewhere where majority of the population could speak English. The Netherlands, and the city with Europe’s largest seaport just made sense.”

Currently, Philip is about to complete his internship with Adcombi, after which he has 6 months of exchange. Due to the pandemic, those exchange months will be completed virtually rather than in China. Afterwards, he has a year of study remaining before he graduates.

But, this isn’t the first time Bergman has been involved with business. In fact, he’s been working on business ventures since he was 14. That entrepreneurial spirit is part of why he was selected to work with Adcombi.

An Entrepreneurial Spirit

“When I was in high school, I really enjoyed doing trade. That started when I was 14. I was in Bangkok and Segways were a really big trend. My father has had several successful companies, and I’ve always wanted to follow in his footsteps. I talked to my mother and asked if she would help me, she said yes. We did some research and found a store selling them and had a meeting with the manager – they gave me a low price and I was able to re-sell them”.

“I’ve always been intrigued by trying to sell things, but I wasn’t always the biggest salesperson though and I used to be quite insecure. I had to learn a lot about putting myself out there to actually sell. So, I made posters, tried different marketing techniques, etc. Of course, at the time it would be my mom actually talking to people as I was too shy to speak. But I really learned that if you just put yourself out there, it’s not as bad as you think, and you have to do it to make that sale.”

After selling Segways, Philip tried dropshipping, building stores and shipping products. While none of them really worked out, it drove him in the direction of a new passion, web design.

“When you build a dropshipping store, you have to make a website that works, get the branding right, etc., eventually a friend reached out to me and asked me to make a website for them. I did that and thought it was really interesting. So, now I have a web design company Right now, it’s just me and my girlfriend helping me, but it’s been going really well, and we’ve completed over 12 projects in the first year of launching the company”.

“It’s hard to put enough focus on the business while also juggling an internship and a study. That’s been quite hard to manage. It’s almost like working a full-time job while studying and I’ve really had to manage my time. However, I’m using it to pay for my studies. It’ definitely harder to put all my focus on the company right now as I want to put as much effort as possible into my internship at Adcombi, but I’m more than certain that the experience I gain from this internship will allow me to further grow Qlikks in the future.”

Who is Philip

“I don’t really know where I’m from, well I do, but I don’t. I usually just tell people my nationalities, I’m half Swedish, half Chinese, but I grew up in a lot of places. I was born in Sweden, lived in Beijing, and went to high school in Bangkok”.

“After high school, I took a gap year. I moved to Canada where I decided to be a snowboard and ski instructor. That really helped to push me out of my shell. I was really insecure; I didn’t like to speak to new people. Moving to Canada, on the other side of the world from Bangkok, and becoming an instructor where I had to talk to someone new every day, pushed me out of that. It was really good for me, now I can speak in front of a crowd and I wouldn’t really care anymore.”

Philip enjoys playing football, enjoying relaxed social outings, and learning new things in this spare time, although with a study, a web design company, and an internship, he hasn’t had much of that.

“Video is my favorite way to learn. I watch a lot of informational videos and just learn about new things. Part of that is that I enjoy learning languages; I can speak three fluently. Technically almost four, but I don’t think I’m fluent in Spanish yet”.

Interning at Adcombi

Over the last 6 months, Philip has helped Adcombi across diverse teams, filling in where his expertise and worldview allow him to add to the company.

“Adcombi weren’t actually looking for an intern, I called the CEO, Auke, directly. I was lucky enough to have mutual connections with him, as Auke knew both my father and funnily enough, my upstairs neighbor in Thailand. So, I had a call with Auke and we just clicked and he wanted to help me out.”

“Everyone has been so welcoming. People bought me lunch and came over to talk to me. There’s also this tradition of asking new people to stand on the table so everyone can talk to them and ask questions – it’s awkward but it helps you get past that awkwardness of being new really fast”.

“I also feel like I’m doing something useful, I get to add value, and everyone is putting a lot of trust in me. I’m helping to set up automation and optimize the CRM – I’m also learning a lot from that.  I’ve also been contributing to the sales process, reaching out to potential clients and conducting meetings with them. I’ve set myself the goal of acquiring at least 1 new client for Adcombi during my internship, definitely trying my best to reach that goal”.

“I genuinely enjoyed working with Adcombi, I enjoy my colleagues, I feel like I’m part of the team even though I’m an intern, and even Gerrit, the founder, has said a lot of positive things. I’m really happy to be part of the team.”

“If you’re a consumer, you really want to see ads that fit you, that make sense, and what Adcombi is doing by personalizing ads by location just improves the experience for the advertiser and the consumer. It’s genius”.

“I’m going to take everything I’ve learned as a takeaway for my own company. How Adcombi is doing outreach, sales, how we handle new clients, and even how we’re automating processes internally. I think any company needs organization and automation, and even at the scale I’m doing business, I already notice that my files get messy. If I can apply things I’m learning to my own company, I believe it will be really beneficial.”

The Future

Philip ended his internship with Adcombi in mid-January. Afterwards, he has 6 months of exchange to do with the Hogeschool Rotterdam and then another year of study. He intends to put more focus on his web design company, qlikks. However, he will be staying on with Adcombi as a part-time member of our team, taking on the role of LinkedIn Social Media Manager..

“My dream is to be a digital nomad, to work wherever I want with just my laptop. I’m halfway there and I can work wherever, but I need more traction first, and that means more of my time. My time with Adcombi and learning more about sales, marketing, and outreach will definitely help me when I get to that stage.”

“I’ve always loved to travel; I was lucky enough to move around a lot while growing up. I think it would be really cool if I could travel wherever I want, while still being able to focus on my career and business goals at the same time.”

Minimum Beautiful Product

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High User Experience Design

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How Safelite Built A Customer Service Culture, Doubled Revenue By Consulting

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